# MTV Seminar: Write, Review and Publish (WRaP) 2024 **Summer 2024, 3 credit points, MSc. Computer Science** The [WRaP seminar](https://moseskonto.tu-berlin.de/moses/modultransfersystem/bolognamodule/beschreibung/anzeigen.html?nummer=40995&version=2&sprache=2) is about turning existing research into publishable papers. The foundation for this is *the participants'* previous research work in concurrency theory or related fields. Together with others, you'll write your (likely) very first papers with help from our group. In the hands-on setting, we'll also talk about best practices, reviews, and publication processes in computer science in general. The seminar **requires you to bring your research to the table.** Usually this may stem from: 1. A project or seminar you took (e.g. MTV-RaW). Preferably, you still have contact to your collaborators and those who taught the class. 2. Your Bachelor thesis (usually MTV / LaS / AKT). Ideally, your previous supervisors are ready to also advise your paper production. Moreover, MTV has some interesting work in the drawer from past theses by others that could be made into publications.^[However, this would require you to work your way into the existing research, which would be a lot of work for 3 credits.] During the seminar, it's also possible to jump onto another participant's bandwagon, and author a paper on their research with them. :::info A meeting to organize the seminar (if there are enough participants), will take place on **Thursday, 2024-04-25, 11:00–12:30, in H 3020**. Please write to benjamin.bisping@tu-berlin.de if you want to participate. :::